How to fly high in business?

4 min readOct 7, 2021

At 5 pm in the evening, with heavily-loaded bags on their shoulder two boys turning into men landed in Noida. They say it was a natural idea that crossed their mind exactly at the same time. At least that is what I believe when I heard last from them. When you are at the beginning of adulthood, aged 23 or 24, your brain storms for millions of ideas to succeed in the market.

Usual activities like reading business books, listening to small shopkeeper’s stories motivated them every now and then. To start a business you have to be a very down to earth person, at least in the beginning. They used to roam around tea-stalls in order to freshen up minds for input of brilliant ideas. I have listened and analyzed many ideas from variety of people. The uniqueness about their foundation was its “rawness”. Simple ideas make better businesses with complex algorithm and off-course consistent effort.

How did they get the idea?

Little did they know their struggle was going to turn into an opportunity. A life-time chance to create a masterpiece idea.

Being promised accommodation and properly communicated with the property-broker they reached the place. There they realized after waiting for sometime that they were cheated by the broker. He took all of their money and fled. No call response or connection to him was possible. Such cases have been heard a lot of times. But these two guys with powerful mind analyzed the problem deeply once they managed to live at a friend’s place.

What if there could be a trust-built business that has its own brand name. When we go to market to buy detergent, often pick up either Surf Excel or Rin. These brands which have developed trust among customers in the market overtime.

It was not the case for rental property in the market. People didn’t have any particular brand to choose or let’s say trust. Just then it clicked in their minds to start a business with rental property and build trust among clients, investors and people out there.

Start from scratch:

One apartment was rented at the initial stage. Where they set-up the whole furnished items in a flat. In two months the count headed to ten flats in a single society of one of the most-populated and popular area of the town. All they did was provide basic amenities to the tenants.

The next task was to circulate the word out in public. Trust is built with consistency, they kept their word stuck to this. Earlier the idea went into market through Whatsapp groups, Facebook Pages, Instagram pages.

Just like the telephone game, the word about this business traveled from person to person. For the business to grow, the customers need to appreciate it comparing to the ones already existing in the market. It surely happened. The company got its fame within a span of six- eight months time period.

People began to trust the services and security-wise it was a trust-building firm. The network has its own perks when it comes to digital marketing. Although they have not stepped entirely into this but have made a good pace.

It has been 3 years of now and they are growing tremendously, with both good and bad feedbacks.


From talking to a vendor to supply items like sofa-set, fridge, beds, microwave etc to distributing and setting it up in individual flat is a tedious job. For that you need capital, manpower and management.

Rejected many times finally their idea got its match-an investor. Next course of action was to find workforce. They hired few cleaners, field executives, accountant, service desk help. With just two founders and a small staff, the operation began. They really did good in little time.

Purchasing and handling customers was majorly handled by both of them as they were the most crucial transactions. Being the sole responsible duo for all profit and loss of company they tend to involve in business with sensitivity.

Till date their service and communication are well rated from customer point of view.


They ought to change the scenario of difficulty in finding a rented flat. Specifically for bachelors as they were facing troubles in accommodation in societies where families lived. Now with their assurance a fully-furnished flat can be all yours and just within the right budget.

I have been enjoying their services for a long time now. Its been two years already. The feedback in my point of view is good. They need improvement but much better than the other services that already existed.

I wrote this article to tell you story of people with great ideas, starting from scratch and achieving milestones. If they can do it then why not you? Whether you have any idea right now in your mind or not, all you need to do is keep the hopes high, never give up and take the right decision at right time. Its your moment to realize your dream of starting fresh and flying high!




I pay my own bills. Life is to live! One day you'll read my book.